Aoba Matsuri at Koboji
Every June, faithful members donate fresh flowers and string lei to offer to Kobo Daishi on the occasion of his birth.
Before the Aoba Matsuri service, a short service is held in the temple courtyard before the statue of Shugyo Daishi, (Kobo Daishi during his training). Following the Shugyo Daishi service, members proceed to the upstairs temple hall for the Aoba Matsuri service. During this service, sweet tea is poured over a statue of a young Kobo Daishi. Aoba Matsuri is a joyful service dedicated to our Lord Kobo Daishi. In 2023, Koboji celebrates the 1,250th anniversary of his birth.
About Aoba Matsuri
In the Spring season with the fragrance of green leaves, it was the month of June of Hoki 5 (744 CE), that Odaishisama was born. When we celebrate his birthday, we cannot help but feel grateful of being able to encounter Odaishisama.
In our modern society, where changes occur, we have lost a solid sense of value. When the twenty-first century is around the corner, people cannot predict what will happen tomorrow. People are seeking hope, courage, and heart-touching experience, while ach of them exist in deep solitude. Odaishisama teaches us that everything on the Earth is an expression of the one Llife force and everything is interdependent. We are supported by many Life forces, and we share our joy and sorrow with it. We should not forget that we are always with Odaishisama, however lonely we may feel. On the day of Aoba Matsuri, in the season when the fragrance of wind is nice, we quietly feel comfort, in our heart, through the teaching of being with Odaishisama, "Dogyo Ninin". 青葉の馥郁と匂う季節、宝亀五年六月のこの日に、お大師さまがご誕生なされたことを喜び、お祝申し上げます時、私たちは、お大師さまに出会えたことを感謝せずにはおれません。 変転極まりない現代社会は、確固とした価値観を失っています。二十一世紀を前にして、人々は明日を見通すこともできず、一人一人が深い孤独感の中で、希望と勇気と感動を求めています。このような私たちに、お大師さまは、この地球上のすべてのものが同じ一つの「いのち」の現れであり、共に力を合わせ助け合っていることを諭しておられます。私たちは、多くの「いのち」に支えられ、喜びと悲しみを共にしているのです。 どんなに孤独を感じでも、お大師さまと共にあることを決して忘れてはなりません。風薫る青葉まつりの日、私たちは「同行二人」の教えを何時もむねのなかでそっと確かめるのです。 |