Ehime Maru Celebration of Life
Many precious lives are being abruptly taken away. Only then, we become aware of the importance and value of that person's existence.
Death is not the end of life but a new life is being born within the minds of those left behind. From sorrow a true understanding and appreciation of the meaning of life is realized. From hatred of anger nothing is resolved. Human beings cannot exist by oneself. By virtue of true compassion, we must realize the value of human life and together enjoy the beauty of the Oneness of Life. |
死は無てはなく、残された人の心に導い誕生があります。しみから本当の事ひが生まれ。惜しみや怒みからは新しい誕生はありません。 人は一人では生きてゆけません。死者を会めたを大きな繋かりによって生かされているのです。 |
History of Construction
On August 30, 2002, the Koyasan High School Religious Class students on their Educational trip, held a memorial prayer at the Kaka'ako Park Memorial site for the victims of the tragic accident of February 9, 2001, between the Uwajima Fishery High School training ship Ehime Maru and a US Navy submarine. During the service, a sudden shower and several rainbows appeared over the horizon indicating a spiritual sign of happiness. The students, not wanting to retell the tragedy of the accident or the lives lost, were more concerned of the "sanctity" of life" that would disappear with the accident forgotten over time. Therefore, this "Seimei no Hi -- Celebration of Life" monument was decided upon to appeal to the world for the oneness of life. A donation of ¥1,055,697 was collected by the students over a period of time. Through the generosity of Bishop Dean Zenei Okimura and the Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii Kyoku, this monument has been erected on the premises. On April 14, 2007, a blessing of the marble stone was done by the students at the Ishikoma Stone Craft, Inc. factory in Kawachi Nagano, Osaka. Many religious class students' wishes have finally become a reality as a dedication was held on July 15, 2007. |
2001年2月9日ハワイ沖で米軍潜水艦との衝突により沈没した愛媛県立宇和島水産高等学校の水産実習船「えひめ丸」の犠性者慰霊法要を、2002年8月80日高野山高等学校宗教科生が修学旅行の際、現地(カカアコパーク)にて厳修(導師沖村全栄師)。 法要中、驟雨・虹が出るなどの奇瑞が生じた。生徒達から「えひめ丸慰霊碑」には事故の事実は記載されているものの、亡くなられた方の生命の尊さを訴える内容ではなく、事故の風化とともに失われた命の尊厳までもが消え去るとの危惧から、生命の尊厳を全世界に発信する「生命の碑」を建立する事を発願。拒鉄により1.055697円もの有縁の賛助を賜り、さらに沖村全栄総監をはじめハワイ開教区諸大徳の御理解御協力を賜りハワイ開教区内に「生命の碑」の建立を実現。大阪府河内長野市(株)石において施工のため2007年4月14日•入れ式を厳修。 この事業に関わった多数の宗教科生の願いが叶い2007年7月15日完成。 |